How to make lilac honey for skin and digestive balance.

This spring use lilac flower for longevity and skin health with this easy to make infused medicinal honey. The whole plant is edible and its intoxicating flowers make a beautiful and health enhancing tonic that can be enjoyed throughout the year.

Therapeutically, the flowers are aromatic, astringent and bitter and are brilliant to purify and strengthen the digestive system while aiding skin health. Peering through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine, lilac flowers can be used to nourish the heart and liver organ systems.

Use this floral honey as you would regular honey. Drizzle it in tea, on yogurt, on a breakfast bowl or most anything else desired!


Sterile jar size of choice: 2 ounce, 4 ounce or other

Raw unfiltered honey

Freshly picked lilac flowers- harvest after the dew has evaporated and the petals are dry.


Fill a sterile jar with vibrant looking flowers (the size depends on how much honey you’d like to make). Consider making extra to enjoy throughout the year! Be sure to leave a bit of room at the top of the jar. Pour raw honey over the flowers. Allow the honey to settle to the bottom; naturally the flowers will float to the top. Add more honey to completely cover flowers, if needed. Secure the lid in place, turn upside down to coat every flower and let it infuse for 6 weeks. You may eat the flowers or strain them from your honey.


How to uplift yourself with borage flower.


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