Ritual: Reclaim your center of power

In a restless and chaotic world, flowers can help you access comfort and stability from within. Beyond the boundaries of mental chatter and anxiousness is a space within you that is vast and tranquil. It is here you want to connect with on a regular basis.

Medicinal flowers can help you align with a deep sanctuary of healing and wisdom within, reclaim your center of power, and regulate your neurological system for a healthy body-mind complex.


Close your eyes and remember a time when you were surrounded by tranquility and beauty. Perhaps it was a day spent in a flower meadow when fresh mountain air carried sweet songbird melodies as you became enveloped with peace and serenity. Use the power of visualization to get your body and mind into deep relaxation.

As you get into a meditative state, you are creating the space to receive yourself. It’s here that you’ll most easily replenish your adrenal system, revitalize your mind-body and perceive your deeper truth. You’ll find that connecting with ‘the stillness within’ dramatically improves your life.

A Floralchemy formulation made from medicinal flowers growing in stillness and tranquility can help center your mind, destress your body and harmonize your energy for a life lived with freedom, centeredness and purpose. Shop Floradaptogen floral elixir.


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