How to uplift yourself with borage flower.

The beautiful star-shaped flowers of borage are one of the very best nervines in the Old World herbal apothecary. Sara Crow prescribes the flowers of Borago officinalis to revitalize an exhausted adrenal and nervous system, and uplift a heavy heart. Borage imparts courage and life-force for the overwhelmed and discouraged.

Infuse a few fresh borage flowers in hot water for a soothing cup of tea or sprinkle on your salad. The flowers effectively lighten a dark mind/mood and bring healing solace to a weary heart. You’ll find a potent extraction of Icelandic wild pansy, borage and more in our Heart’s Ease daily tonic.

Shop Heart’s Ease floral elixir.


Flower power: Goop interviews Sara Crow on flower medicine.


How to make lilac honey for skin and digestive balance.