Adaptogenic floral elixir for resilience and stress relief

So many of us could use help counteracting the damaging impacts of daily stress. Extracts of medicinal flowers provide powerful adaptogenic and protective attributes to help you become resilient in the face of adversity, overwhelm and challenge.

Throughout time, herbal tradition has celebrated ancient tree species such as Sorbus aucuparia, rowan for its perseverance, medicinal uses and immense strength. The flowers of Sorbus aucuparia are highly therapeutic because the bloom concentrates a plant’s creative evolutionary life-energy. According to ethnobotanical wisdom, rowan is held sacred and was called upon in times of need for protection and empowerment. It was said that rowan casts a bright golden glow perhaps speaking to its medicinal power. We are honored to heartily wild-foraged our rowan flowers from a vibrant and magical old forest in Iceland.

Likewise, wild blooms growing in extreme conditions such as the arctic tundra biome offer us wise counsel on how to overcome adversity and thrive amidst shifting conditions. By virtue of a plant’s metabolic energy directed into its flowers for reproduction, a flower is the crowning achievement of the botanical kingdom encoded with highly intelligent adaptogenic information. These powerful blooms are collected and expertly formulated by Sara Crow L.Ac. from pure and dynamic ecosystems such as Iceland.

Dose with flowers who have lent their healing power to ancient elixirs thought to bestow longevity and impermeability. Fill your cup with blossoms of ancient tree species for immeasurable strength and Arctic wildflowers for unparalleled adaptability.

Shop FLORADAPTOGEN  Floral Elixir.


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Flower power: Goop interviews Sara Crow on flower medicine.