3 Top Botanicals for Skin Renewal and Inner Beauty

Transform your skin and nourish inner beauty with highly efficacious medicinal flowers steeped in ancient tradition.  

-Mediterranean Rockrose, Cistus ladaniferus

Summer adventures in the Mediterranean led Floralchemy founder, Sara Crow, to study and consequently fall in love with the medicinal flower, rockrose for skin health.

Rockrose is one of the most cherished aromatic plants in the wild scrubland biome unique to the Mediterranean region called the maquis. Thriving on dry rocky soils, its beautiful crinkled blossoms perfume the countryside while effortlessly alluring an abundance of butterflies and other pollinators. 

In the 4th century BC, Rockrose was used medicinally to promote good health and protect from disease. Highly esteemed in ancient Egypt, it was used for a variety of purposes including skin application, perfumery and ritual. Throughout the ages, it has been used for spiritual practice and meditation to open the intuition, quiet the mind and increase awareness. 

Clinically, it’s shown to possess anti-depressant properties. This time-honored flower releases stress and tension, centers us and encourages us to breathe deeply.

When used topically for skin healing, Rockrose:

  • Releases facial muscular tension

  • Firms and lifts the skin

  • Clears skin, smooths texture and breaks up scar tissue

  • Has anti-wrinkle attributes

Peering through the lens of Traditional Oriental Medicine, Rockrose forties the Jing level, our foundational energy. It helps regulate the cycles of female body, has aphrodisiac benefits and supports healthy hormonal levels in our wise woman years to assist with vitality and tight skin.  Found in IMMORTELLE REJUVENATING CLEANSER AND ROSA FLORA BEAUTY SERUM.

-Magnolia flower

Dating back nearly 20 million years, Magnolia is an ancient beauty and is one of the earliest flowering plants on the planet. Its evolutionary genius survived various extreme climatic and geological eras of the ice age, continental drift and beyond. It is thought to have evolved before bees arrived on the planet!!! That’s old!

Its resilience and abundant life force is evident in its powerful therapeutics. Magnolia flower enjoys a long tradition in Oriental Medicine for sinus congestion and asthma, anxiety and burnout (cortisol-balancing effects), skin conditions and wound healing. It contains a therapeutic compound documented by medical studies to possess antidepressant and anxiolytic benefits. 

It contains powerful skin rejuvenating compounds that:

  • Improve elasticity, firm, lift the skin/face

  • Fade hyperpigmentation and age spots

  • Resolve acne scarring

  • Promote wound healing

  • Increase skin hydration

  • Soothe skin irritation; Anti-inflammatory

It has been shown clinically to support the healing of skin imbalances including eczema, psoriasis, rashes and hives. Hand-harvested Magnolia flower is found in ROSA FLORA BEAUTY SERUM.

-Hawaiian Silver geranium, Geranium cuneatum

Nature has bestowed us with flowers that glow with possibilities.

Adorning a windswept alpine wilderness, this medicinal wild geranium endemic to Hawaii grows no other place on earth. This rare beauty thrives at chilly temps and dry rocky rugged terrain often at altitude’s over 8000 elevation. This floral treasure is known as 'hinahina "silver" or nohoanu "cold-dwelling" in Hawaiian.

As many unique species of songbirds announce the dawn, silver geranium lights up the landscape, glowing brightly in the early morning light. It’s woody nature, beautiful iridescent petals and distinctive silver leaves are covered with silky hairs that reflect light and retain moisture. While we could say that this flower quite literally glows in the light of the sun and moon, it give rise to an important therapeutic for humanity.

Psychospiritually, Hawaiian silver geranium unites ‘heaven and earth’ within us and acts as a conduit for inner illumination. According to the worldview of many traditional cultures, each person is a fusion of cosmic and earthly forces. Within us the unseen and manifest body, psyche and Essence, are mutually valid and cogenerative. 

This remarkable wildflower propels you forward, increases your life force and connect your essential nature. Its properties of illumination highlight your timeless beauty and infuses you with joyful enthusiasm. Therapeutically, it resolves stagnation and inertia, signals healthy cellular expression, and radiance from within.

Use it therapeutically for:

  •  illumination from within

  • timeless beauty and joyfulness

  • skin radiance and healthy cellular expression

  • retaining skin moisture and enhancing its glow

Adorn yourself with silver geranium by misting your face with IMMORTELLE BEAUTY DEW.


Iceland’s floral splendor with Sara Crow L.Ac.


Adaptogenic floral elixir for resilience and stress relief