How to make rose petal jam

How To Make Rose Petal Jam

You’ll love this exquisite jam for longevity and beauty. We gave this traditional recipe a modern spin by incorporating low glycemic coconut sugar and shortening the prep time. Enjoy!

Traditionally, rose petal jam called gulkand is an ancient medicinal flower recipe reaching back to 1000 B.C.  The Persian word ‘gulkand’ translates to “sweet flower” (gul – flower, kand – sweet).

Historically, gulkand used the highly aromatic and nutritive Damask rose that blooms twice per year, however, it can be made with wild and organically grown rose to hydrate, cool and nourish your body from within. This delicacy traditionally used cardamom and pearl and was exposed to the sunlight to impart a unique quality and flavor.

Use this easy rose petal jam recipe to support your body’s essential yin fluids, aid endocrine vitality, gently detoxify, and lift your mind and mood.


1/2 lb rose petals - wild or organically grown

2 cups granulated organic coconut sugar or organic sugar

1/2 cup freshly-squeezed lemon juice

4 1/2 cups water

  • Consider dividing this recipe by 1/2 or even by a 1/4 if you’d like to make a small batch or have a limited amount of rose petals.


In a saucepan over low heat, add coconut or organic sugar, purified water, and organic lemon juice (optional: add a few drops of Heart Ease flower elixir). Stir until sugar is fully dissolved. Add rose petals and let simmer for 20 mins stirring often. To thicken, increase heat to medium-high and bring to a boil for approximately 5 minutes or more stirring constantly. You’ll know when your mixture is ready to remove from the heat when it becomes a thick consistency. You may test its consistency by spooning out a small amount and placing it on a cool plate to see that its reached its jam-like form.

Transfer your rose petal jam into a sterilized mason jar leaving a little room at the top (1/4 inch). Be sure to wipe spilled jam from around the lid.

NOTE: Make sure your roses are free of pesticides and other contaminants. Do not consume flowers from florists or garden centers as these are often treated with chemicals.


An Old World medicinal flower for emotional pain