Fairy Dust Wellness Recipe

You’ll love this seasonal powerhouse flower dust made with freshly harvested wild-foraged fennel blooms. With its golden aromatic umbels and complex flavor profile perfect for savory or sweet dishes, this delicious garnish adds a bit of magic to your breakfast bowls or autumn soups.

According to Sara Crow L.Ac., our founder and flower-expert, wild fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) blooms are loaded with health benefits.

Eat fennel flowers to:

-Purify and balance your microbiome

-Feed skin radiance

-Boost immunological and digestive health

-Increase longevity

-Brighten eyes and enhance vision


Harvest fresh fennel blooms in mid to late summer. Be sure to gather fennel flower heads with fully opened flowers for best results.

Trim the flowers just above the stem and under each umbel to create a flower ‘dust’ of small individual flowers perfect for sprinkling.



Marigold Cacao Bites


Sara’s Floral Radiance Salad