Alpine Immortelle: Skin Hero and Spiritual Guide

By Sara Crow

Welcome to the magic and medicine of immortelle. I’d like to share how this important medicinal flower has far-reaching benefits for your skin, mind, and consciousness. Concentrated study of alpine immortelle in its natural habitat on the island of Corsica has provided many important insights into its unique therapeutics. The rare golden bloom of Helichrysum italicum from the high mountains of Corsica has unique properties and outshines other types of immortelle in terms of therapeutics. Its unparalleled to beautify the skin and reveal your innermost essence and natural radiance.

Its honey-scented flowers have a sweet, curry-like, and spicy bouquet; a reflection of its benevolent and fiery, passionate nature. Thriving in the hot Mediterranean sun, this resilient bloom prefers sun-drenched mountain slopes and dry rocky terrain. It’s rare to find this flower tucked away hiding in the shade on the forest floor but rather is found dancing in the limelight, blooming on top of the mountain in the full sun emitting her intoxicating sweet aroma that perfumes this wilderness dreamscape.

Known as ‘The Island of Beauty’, Corsica’s unique environment gives rise to powerful medicinal plants. Its ideal environment including its pristine untouched wilderness and nutrient-dense soil is what unlocks our alpine immortelle’s unparalleled potency. Corsican wild mountain immortelle has unique skin rejuvenation, anti-aging and psycho-spiritual properties that are not expressed in other types of immortelle (including cultivated, organic and various wild types).

One of my top flowers for skin transformation and rejuvenation, this flower also enhances inner beauty. It helps heal inner struggle, repairs emotional trauma, and enriches your inner life to radiate brightly from within. I’ve put together some ways in which you can personally benefit from this remarkable healing flower.

4 Inner and Outer Beauty Benefits of Alpine Immortelle:

  1. En-‘lightens’ and illuminates 


  • Brightens the complexion and reverses sun damage- This flower repairs environmental damage and overexposure to the sun to create a youthful even-toned complexion.

  • Transforms and fades dark spots and grey patches- Healthy youthful skin is even-toned and luminous. This flower returns skin to its radiant state and brilliantly eliminates discoloration.

  • Improves skin glow, luminosity, and radiance - Improves skin lustre and sheen


  • Shines a light on what needs to be seen-
 Highlights productive insight for the illumination of your soul. Can help speed healing of emotional trauma. Encourages you to confidently acknowledge and heal parts of yourself you’ve tucked away to shine with full radiance from the mountain top.

  • Creates clarity of mind and opens consciousness- Removes cloudy interferences to your joyful expression. Empowers you to make life-affirming choices.

  • Illuminates your true self - Works from the inside out to help you shine your unique light. Brightens Shen, the mind and spirit, to overcome and outshine limitation. Encourages you to become the candle flame burning brightly when life feels dark.

2. Removes stagnation and blockages


  • Blood vitalizer - Improves blood quality and removes stagnation to improve the healthy flow of oxygen-rich blood for fresh glowing skin. Has anti-coagulant and blood invigorating properties that reduce swelling and bruising.

  • Talented circulation enhancer- Simultaneously improves microcirculation in the capillary beds and revitalizes deeper dermal health through improved blood flow and cellular rejuvenation. Enhances lymphatic flow and reduces scar tissue.

  • Pain relieving- Energizes the smooth flow of qi and blood, and heals uncomfortable skin conditions including burning, inflamed tissue. Has anti-spasmotic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic benefits.


  • Benevolent catalyst Helps you to move through and heal emotional wounds, and reframe past hurts. Works to uncover and remove blockages to personal growth, and is particularly useful for individuals that feel plateaued or stuck on their spiritual journey. Strengthening and empowering catalyst for highest self-expression.

3. Deeply renewing


  • Speeds tissue healing - Pronounced ability to repair damaged, wrinkled and aged skin. Talented wound healer and benefits most skin concerns including adult or teen acne, dermatitis, rashes, eczema, burns, scars, rosacea, impetigo, and warts.

  • Advanced rejuvenative capabilities- Enhances cellular renewal, and aids collagen and elastin synthesis. Helps the living skin network embody its highest function and expression through an impressive array of biochemical and energetic therapeutics.


  • Speeds healing of psyche. Stimulates healing dreams to helps you to repair emotional trauma and renew your inner life. Help you to reframe past hurts and move into a bright future.

  • Renews confidence - Helps you to feel more self-assured and encourages the feeling that life is for you and behind you; “Life has my back.” kind of attitude and awareness.

  • Liberating, enhances presence and engagement in life- Frees you from emotional stagnation and helps you to shine brightly from the mountain top and embrace life fully with all its up’s and down’s, joy and sorrows. Helps you to know, in your heart, that the myriad of experience is a sacred, beautiful and valuable part of life.

4. Harmonizer


  • Improves skin immunity- Harmonizes and balances the various functions of the skin for enhanced microbiome function and immunity. Enhances skin performance for highly efficient renewal, health, and radiance.


  • Enhances inner harmony - Encourages emotional equilibrium and unification of soul and body to reveal your inner radiance and unique beauty.

Immortelle Beauty Ritual :

  1. Purify and invigorate your face by massaging our Immortelle Rejuvenating Cleanser into dry skin. Remove with a warm wet cloth.

  2. Mist with our Immortelle Beauty Dew, a multidimensional facial mist for inner and outer beauty made with alpine Corsican immortelle flower.

  3. Apply Immortelle Renewal Serum for advanced skin regeneration.

  4. Apply Superflora Collagen Crème with Corsican immortelle to build fresh new collagen and elastin for ageless skin.

  5. Pour yourself a cup of tea, water or fresh juice and add 4 drops of Free To Be Me floral elixir for the psychospiritual benefits of this flower to liberate your soul and radiate your unique beauty.

Please leave me a comment below with any questions you might have! Enjoy!




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